Fact: In a recent survey by MarketInAFlash.com, only 12% of real estate professionals said they ever take advantage of one of the easiest ways to generate a continuous flood of leads and listings, week in and week out. Why? Because the vast majority of agents are in the wrong business. In fact, I'd say most agents shouldn't even be in the real estate business at all! And the sooner they realize that, the better off they'll be.
That's right, the first thing I tell my clients is to quit the real estate business. I don't care if they've devoted their entire professional life to building their career. Quit. And quit now before it's too late. Does it tick some people off? You bet. But once they get over being angry at me, they thank me because I open their eyes to a whole new way of succeeding in this cutthroat, take-no-prisoners game.
What those 12% know that the rest of you don't... The name of this game isn't how good you are at selling real estate What's it's all about is how good you are at selling yourself. You're spending all your time trying to market property when what you should be doing is learning how to market yourself. Do that, and everything else will take care of itself.
That, in a nutshell, is why I founded MarketInAFlash - the agent marketing system that helps real estate agents use innovative ways to attract clients and get more listings without any extra added work, time or effort. Because when you're in the business of marketing yourself, and you do it properly, clients come to YOU, rather than you having to go out and turn over every rock looking for them.
Now tell me, does that make sense or not? Doesn't it make sense to spend more time on learning how to market yourself, on creating a non-stop demand for your services, rather than on the mundane nonsense most agents waste their time on?
Here are the top five ways real estate agents can quit the real estate business today and get into the business they should be in - marketing themselves...
* Start becoming the "go-to agent" in your area by getting the media to promote your business for you...for free. If you aren't using things like press releases and pitch letters to get exposure for your business, you're missing out on one of the best methods for attracting clients that God ever invented. If you can't write a press release, hire someone to do it for you. Now. Today.
* Stop doing the same thing everyone else is doing but expecting different results. If 90% of the agents in your office are doing the exact same thing to market themselves, and they still aren't where they want to be financially or professionally, why would you think your results from using those exact same methods will be any different? Are your postcards or direct mail pieces really that much better than the next guy's?
* Start becoming a source of trusted information for buyers and sellers in your area. How many times has a new client called or visited your office and wanted to hire you without having been referred by a friend or family member. If that isn't happening to you at least once a week, you're not doing your job. If you know so much about buying and selling real estate, why aren't you teaching a course on it at your local community college? Or sponsoring your own seminar for first-time homebuyers? What's stopping you?
* Stop paying for advertising that just doesn't work. If you buy ads in your local paper, waste money to send out farming postcards, or try and bribe potential clients with useless trinkets to try to get them to remember your name, stop now. Please, for everyone's sake. Just stop!
* Start setting yourself apart online instead of just trying to fit in. You know how many websites are out there covering real estate? About 315,000,000. (That's a real number - you can look it up.) You know how many most people remember? None. Why? Because the information on most agent websites stinks. Yeah, yeah, it's really nice to know that the client's needs come first to you. Please, get some original and useful content for your site that people will actually want to read. And do it yesterday.